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Lee R. Goldberg, MD, MPH, FACC is currently Professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine and serves as Chief of the Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Section in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Additionally, he is Vice Chair of Medicine for Informatics is responsible for the implementation and optimization of the electronic medical record, coordinating quality and operational data across the Department of Medicine as well as spearheading clinician wellness initiatives.

Goldberg earned his medical degree cum laude from Boston University School of Medicine. He completed an internal medicine residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania followed by fellowships in cardiovascular disease, and advanced heart failure and transplantation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He received his Master of Public Health Degree concentrating in Clinical Effectiveness from the Harvard University School of Public Health.

Goldberg's research has focused on heart failure disease management, remote monitoring of heart failure patients, the interplay between sleep and cardiovascular disease, telemedicine innovations as well leveraging large data to improve patient outcomes and clinician effectiveness. He was the Principal Investigator of an AHRQ sponsored RO1 grant evaluating the impact of different technology models on heart failure disease management and a Co-PI of an NIH sponsored RO1 grant studying behavioral economics as part of heart failure remote monitoring.

He has served in several roles within the ACC, including past Chair of the Member Section Steering Committee and past Chair of the Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Leadership Council. He is a past member of the Health Information Technology Task Force, Digital Steering Committee, Cardiovascular Management Council, HeartPAC Executive Committee and Lifelong Learning Committee. He currently is serving on the Audit and Compliance Committee, Board of Trustees Task Force on Clinician Well-Being and is deputy editor for the ACC Collaborative Maintenance Pathway for Advanced Heart Failure Evaluative Question Writing Committee.